About us

English Custom Polishing is run by a lowly retiree named Tom, from New England, yours truly. Creating a website, writing and publishing articles on it, has been on my bucket list for quite some time. Now that I’m retired and I no longer have such an active role in the metal polishing business that I was running before, I decided it’s about time to start working on taking off items from my bucket list.

My son James has taken over running the business from me. Now I only help from time to time. Metal polishing business that my family owns has been our pride and joy ever since my father started working as a metalworker in his 20s. He built the business from the ground up and put our little company on the map so that when I took it over it had a decent client base.

Today my oldest James is the head of the company, and he is slowly making his own mark on the business. He is expanding the number and type of services that we’re offering. Soon we’re going to adding pressure washing into the services that we’re offering. It’s just something that I was always fascinated with, and I managed to convince my son to start offering this service as well.

On English Custom Polishing you can expect to find a lot of interesting articles on the topic of metal polishing, buffing, washing and other similar method of sprucing up metal items. If that sort of thing interests you, stay tuned and you’ll definitly learn something.